The newest book in this line of pre-teen books from Egmont Publishing was released very recently! I'll be providing a full review of..
The Cold!
BUT FIRST! A look at the other books in this great series which has kept my son engaged each bedtime!

I won't totally spoil whats gone before, but the story starts when just on a routine mapping of a system The Empire meet up with the Graffs to pay for Maps created by them. However, the cadaverous Captain Korda wants the maps for nothing, and the Graffs don't agree, obviously. One thing leads to another and the Graffs are captured, leaving their children, pet Monkey Lizard and researcher droid CR-8R (a great mish-mash of Protocol, Astromech and even probe droid!) to fend for themselves, Getting them into trouble several times through the series.
The Series
The Series
Book 1 - The Snare |
Book 2 - The Nest |
These books as a whole are very nicely put together and the two Authors, Cavan Scott and Tom Huddleston have made a great line of books which first of all read really well, have a great flow of action mixed in with mystery and just enough emotion entwined to keep the young reader captivated.
Myself and my son have been reading the entire line as bedtime stories and even doing that we're up to speed with all the books and very nearly ready to start the newest (Reviewed below!) The Cold!
These books don't just have the text, there's a few great illustrations (By David M. Buisan) which really build up the imagery that the text is talking about and in some cases get you excited for a character you're just about to meet!
The adventures of Lina and Milo continue in The Cold, as action packed as ever.
After countless run-ins with Captain Korda and The Empire, running from Monsters of all sorts, making acquaintances with Mercenaries and Escaping from Bounty hunters, as well as bumping into a few familiar faces, namely Vizago and the parents of Ezra Bridger, the Graff kids have come to what seemed like in the first few pages, the end of their adventures and now living with the Bridger's it seemed like they'd all but given Up on finding their parents.
Lina Graff has other plans, and while running an errand for the Bridger's, the kids, their pet and CR-8R once again find themselves in cold water..
A little surprising too as at one point it seems like they may have finally made an alliance with their biggest adversary Captain Korda, but alas.. things are not all as they seem!
I thought this was to be the last of the adventures for the Graff kids, however it seems like after grabbing a new ship, (yep the battered up Whisper Bird finally gets left behind, it had to happen sometime!) the two are at last onto a concrete lead on where to find their parents!
The Cold is available via AMAZON.CO.UK right now for only £4.39! Great for bedtime reading. Ooks for the young reader and also a great quick read for the adults!
The Cold is available via AMAZON.CO.UK right now for only £4.39! Great for bedtime reading. Ooks for the young reader and also a great quick read for the adults!
Watch out for the Graff's next adventure which continues in..
Also, Check back for more on the above, I'll be providing a full review once it comes out!