Star Wars Adventures! - EXCLUSIVE TO THE UK!
OK, so there's only a few things which are exclusive to the UK and this is one of them!
This magazine is aimed at older kids, probably around early teens and has some really cool freebies!
First the magazine though! Here's the full breakdown of what you'll find in this months issue:
Pages 4 - 7 (1-3 are the Front cover and contents of this month): Rogue One Best Bits! That's it really, without spoiling the feature, it's the best bits of the new Smash Hit - ROGUE ONE! (NOW ON DVD!!)
Pages 8 - 9: Which Hero Are You? Quiz, one of those, answer yes/no quizzes which leads you to either Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron or Jyn Erso..
Page 10: An advert for the New "Quest For The Kyber Saber" book from Egmont!
Page 10: An advert for the New "Quest For The Kyber Saber" book from Egmont!
Page 11: A competition to WIN the NEW Star Wars Adventures In Wild Space- THE COLD (As per my review!)
Pages 12 - 13: Death Star Puzzles! Follow the trail, work out who's on the screen, Death star Double, and Spot the droid puzzles!
Pages 14 - 15: The Story Of The Jedi: A neat little peak into the timeline of the Jedi as we know it from the Films. Only a few snippets, pretty cool though.
Page 16: Spot the Difference, a really nice landscape of Tie Strikers here!
Page 17: A chance to WIN the new "The Amazing Book of LEGO Star Wars"!!
Page 18 - 19: A double page poster of Poe's Black X-Wing from The Force Awakens.
Page 20: A chance to trace Baze Malbas and then be able to colour him in.
Page 21: A Maze Puzzle featuring the Falcon!
Pages 22 - 23: A double page poster/fact-file of C3-PO
Pages 24 - 29: One of the main reasons to get this Mag is for the Comics from the LEGENDS library! It's no longer Canon, but VERY awesome to read! This months issue is "Captain Threepio" which first made it's appearance in Star Wars Tales 8! It's all about Threepio needing to step up and take charge for once! He does pretty well..
Pages 30 - 31: How To Make a Lightsaber!! Apparently.. it's really just a few facts about this ancient.. civilized weapon.. Here's a few ways to make a lightsaber!! Or you can buy yourself one HERE!
Pages 32 - 33: A double page spread of puzzles here!!
Page 34 & 35: Join the dots puzzle to create BB-8, a tease to the next issue which includes a Rebel Disc Shooter PLUS an R2-D2 Stampeez!
Back Page: A great Propaganda poster from Sienar Fleet Systems (who build the Tie Fighters).
..and a C3-P0 Stampeez! This is pretty cool, it's a little bust/statue type thing, made of a sturdy rubber and you can ink up the bottom to get a cool stamped image.. I think the one I got was either a bit of a dud or I didn't use enough ink.. I just used a pen, pretty cool though! Can't wait for R2's one next issue!!

Lastly a GREAT nod to the Vintage Toy's of old!! STICKERS!!!
The Star Wars Adventures Magazine is available now, until 23rd May and is priced at £3.99!